Get Involved
We encourage collective, enjoyable work days & thoughtful observation, rather than thoughtless labour
- Help days are Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. 10am – 4pm with delicious shared lunches. Come & meet our great team of local people.
- Several times a year we rally round to complete a big job (like tree planting or building the labyrinth). If you’d like to join one of these work weekends keep an eye on our social media where we’ll post dates, or just drop us a message! As always a shared lunch will be provided.
- We welcome longer term helpers (Wwoofers) who we accommodate in our home in Bath.
Thanks to the help of many volunteers, the Land is becoming a thriving, beautiful and biodiverse space capable of producing many land based products and experiences. We welcome people who want to contribute to the land, to work, rest and play here, to share skills, learn and enjoy the beauty of the land and its stunning views.
Together we grow chemical free flowers, vegetables and fruit, and are working on making land grown products, including juices, wreathes, green wood and willow objects. We dream of developing product lines: pickles, jams, pesto, medicinal mushrooms, comfrey tea and beyond. We will sell locally and ethically, delivering by bicycle powered electric vehicles.
We have planted trees and native hedges, cleared a lot of mess and now have a flock of rare breed sheep who look after our pasture as we look after them.
We have neighbours in this valley where sound travels very well, so please be courteous at all times, especially when entering and leaving the site.
We are proud to work with:
- WWOOF (World Wide Opportunities on Organic Farms)
- More Trees Banes
- Land Workers Alliance
- Middle Ground Growers
- Bath City Farm
- Bath Area Growers
We are grateful to many friends who go out of their way to help us with their effort, kindness and vision to enrich the land.