Tree Planting
Dear friends,
February has set in motion lots of positive change on our land.
I love winter for it’s reflective “warm-by-the -fire” time, when nature is still and we can work on plans and new directions for the times of crazy growth
We have been active! So grateful to Matt and Maria, the best Wwoofers and companions who spent 3 weeks of such creative and hard working help on the land.
Also very grateful to Ian, who is leading the building of the most fabulous compost toilet, and has taught us power tool skills, exciting… the poo will be mixed with sawdust and won’t smell but will become rich compost for our land. The pee with be kept separate and will not get into the stream. Come experience it for yourself!
We have been given 160 native trees, and tree guards to protect them from rabbits and deer (we are creature rich!) and have had a massive planting day, thanks to members of “Crops not shops” and friends and neighbours for their help. It felt like the rainiest day know to mankind and just got rainier as the day progressed but our will was strong and we had a laugh ( mostly) and a legendary hot soup lunch, food tastes so good on the land. We were 10 people united and planted 100 trees..another 60 saved for a rainy day…
Look what we made from the land for Valentines Day gifts…

In the next blog you’ll hear of our progress with starting this years flower propagation,
Stay well
Love from
All At The Land
All the best